Goodbye Birdie and a Sideboard.

Hey ya’ll and welcome back,

My mom is having empty nest syndrome…it’s the time of year that her Humming birds leave. We sit at her kitchen table and watch them as they dash…eat, hover…eat, guard…eat, fight…and then eat some more. The middle of October is the time they usually fly to warmer weather and so every morning, afternoon and evening, okay pretty much every hour of the day, she looks to see if her “little birds” are still around. She worries that their little tummies wont be full enough for their long flight so she keeps the feeders full with fresh food so there will be a “filling” station for those that are still here and those that have already started their journey.

On my first “mad woman” buying spree I stumbled upon a beautiful sideboard and surprise, surprise, surprise, they just happened to have the matching table with six chairs. I, of course, was a happy camper. But for this post I am only featuring the sideboard.

As you can see, again, my first picture is after I have started the project, but I think you can get a basic idea of what it looks like. It has so many wonderful details that I can’t decide what to show first. So we will start with the top and move on down to the legs. I did my usual strip and staining of the top. You all know I ONLY use MINWAX™ stain and dark walnut is the usual go-to color choice. I love the rich dark color in contrast to the paint and many times that is the color we have stained the floors so it really looks nice. I started to strip and stain the back scroll band of wood but the “OMG” factor just wasn’t there. After painting it…well a picture says a thousand words.

I have seen many sideboards comparable to this one painted some very pretty colors that are very eye catching. However, for me, when there is a lot of detail I love, love, love simplicity of color.  My go-to color on this is Old White with optional dark wax. The color is not the first thing I want noticed, the color is a complement of the detail.

The carving above the doors and on the top drawer was almost invisible before but now that’s one of the first things your eyes are drawn to.

The center part of that carving is a drawer with dividers for silverware. I replaced the existing felt with new. I also painted the inside of the drawers a flat latex matched to Duck Egg Blue. Two of the pulls had broken so, once again, I had to hunt for new ones. I didn’t like the color of them so I searched for oil rubbed bronze and made them all pretty thanks to Michael’s™ and Krylon™.  Here are more details.

As we move on down to the legs…well they just speak for themselves.

Hopefully sometime soon you will be seeing the table and chairs to complete this set or as individual pieces. This sideboard would make anyone’s home beautiful no matter where she is placed.

Once again, thanks so much for stopping by and I  hope you enjoyed this as much as I did, don’t forget to say “Hey ya’ll”.

Linking to:

Miss Mustard Seed FFF

18 responses

    • Thanks so much Jan. I felt the same way when I found it. I feel there will have be another one somewhere down the line. It was a lot of work painting all of the details then waxing it with the dark wax. A lot of time spent on the floor. LOL. Thanks for stopping in and leaving a note.

    • I had heard about it but I could never find it. I was in a panic because the pulls I ordered were brass and that just wouldn’t do. So the lady at the hardware store told me to try Michael’s, I did, and they look really nice. Thanks Allyson for stopping in.

    • I know crazy huh?! The family that originally owned this piece has passed it down until no one wanted it and I got it. YAY! But they love how it turned out too. Thanks for stopping in. I hope you get started again soon so I can follow you.

    • Thank you Shelly, this was the largest and hardest piece I have worked on, and tackling it with the dark wax was daunting, but I love the way it turned out too. Thanks for stopping in and saying hi. I would love for you to come back for a visit.

    • Thank you! I love it too. I have the table and chairs to match that I haven’t even touched. 😦 I’ve had it for a year! Shame on me. Lol. Thanks for saying hi. I really appreciate it.

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